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紐約東方書店地處曼哈頓唐人街中心區,乃紐約至美國單體面積最大的綜合性中文書店,面積約 7,000平方尺。東方書店主要售賣中國大陸,香港,台灣等地出版社的中文圖書,涵蓋社會科學,人文科學,文學,漢語教學,養生保健,少年兒童,旅遊等多門圖書;兼有紙墨筆硯,中國文娛用品,體育用品,字畫,篆刻;長年舉辦書法,國畫培訓班。東方自1976年創辦,經歷起過40年,深為僑民熟悉和愛戴。東方將不遺餘力地為華人服務,為傳播中國文化而努力。

Located in the center of Chinatown in Manhattan, Eastern Bookstore is considered the biggest amalgamated Chinese cultural center, rather than just a bookstore. Having a business area of close to 7,000 square feet, the store mainly sells Chinese books from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The subjects cover social science, liberal art, literature, Sinology, calligraphy and drawing, Chinese language study, youngster’s study, medicine, and many others.The Bookstore has grown with Chinatown for nearly 40 years since its inception in 1976, and has enjoyed profound respect and esteem by Chinese immigrants. It will go on serving the community to the utmost of its ability and spare no effort in Chinese culture promotion in the years to come.


Check out the full video of the New York Oriental Bookstore on YouTube below:

Eastern Bookstore (2) .jpg


13-17 Elizabeth Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013

Contact Us

Phone: 212-226-8461

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